Saturday, February 5, 2011

My kind of guy

So after a few days out and reading, i realized alot of what i want from my guy.
My dream guy who would only exist in the boundaries of my mind and heart. 
but before the list of what i want from him.

  • Curly hair
  • Coloured eyes( Honey brown, Sea blue, Money Green, anything different from black and dark brown man)
  • Perfect teeth
  • Body that would make me go crazy when he takes off his shirt
  • Sweet
  • Adventurer
  • Truthful
  • Playful
  • Funny
  • Protective ( as much as i love being independent, i would want him to turn red when a guy whistles at me or turn green with envy when i talk to one guy whose history with me is too much for it to be a normal friendship)
  • Social
  • Not Dumb
  • RIsk Taker
  • Confident
  • Slight cocky
  • The first date is super unpredictable. Adventure filled.
  • Since i have never had anything like a prom or a slow dance sort of thing, he takes me somewhere to make sure i experience it.
  • Our first kiss should be far from a makeout, a peck on the lips to end a good date. Arms on my waist and mine around his neck...standing
  • He understands my issues with my parents and avoid being inconsiderate and keep me from getting in trouble. 
  • Does things to gain my full trust.
  • Makes me dinner with desserts.
  • Playful when kissing
  • Hugs me from behind.
  • Have the strength to pick me up!
  • lets me do what i want. had enough restriction from my parents
i know.. i am a typical girl with a typical want for a guy
but i love those things.
if i find the guy.. and with much luck he is like i described, which is unlikely...
i would be crazzy to not have fallen for him.
For me, love means i would take a bullet for u and my life without u would be shit..
but my dream guy remains in my dreams while the guys out here havent even make the cut . not even close..
gives to show tthat my dream guy would never come.


eyes coloured green

 i want to bring about Z.T again. i don't know whether i am liking him or not. but today when he said that one of my school friends were hot. i couldn't take it. my heart swelled with envy and my eyes turned green. what the heck do i do now? He made me rethink everything. whether i really like him or he's just a friend whose attention i love more than any guy's attention.!
i am back from clubbing ( :O) hahaha. no. i don't drink. why associate clubbing with drinking people.? if u are decent, u would just be there to be surrounded by loud music and your feet moving! you don't need to drink, right?  The loud, floor vibrating, pounding music makes me high.
anyways.. i left zeeshan there with my friends cause i was to be home before my parents and i didn't tell them i was going.!
i went for dinner.. which i did.. but "forgot" to tell them what was happening later.!
i danced for less than an hour so don't bitch!
leaving that out. i just felt the jealousy rise again when i thought on how he would make a move on her. not her. not any on of them. I HATE IT. maybe that how he felt when i went with V.V, my ex! when he clearly told me he liked me.
oh well, karma is bound to bite back right?
so do i like him? or did i feel his attention would be diverted from me to them!??
urm... i need to sort out my feelings.. but u know what i cant understand is when V.V told me this girl is hot when we were in a relationship, i didnt care. Or when Z.T comments on all the other hot girls around college, i dont really care. I guess its just alot to do with the fact that its my friend from high school that he commented on.
let that be the reason..PLEASE LET IT BE THAT REASON!
i need to sort this out for sure.
